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110 Americans dead as Hurricane Ian wreak havoc

At least 110 people have died in the United States as Hurricane Ian wreaked havoc in Florida and North Carolina.

According to the Cable News Network (CNN), 105 people were killed by the hurricane in Florida while five have died so far in North Carolina.

The hurricane had torn through the southeastern United States, according to a CNN tally.

On Wednesday, North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper confirmed a fifth death in his state, according to a statement.

In Florida, a breakdown shows that Lee County recorded 55 deaths, Charlotte County, 24 deaths, Collier County, 8 deaths; Volusia County 5 deaths and Sarasota County, 4 deaths.

Others are: Manatee County, 3 deaths, while one death was recorded in Martin County, Lake County, Polk County, Hendry County, Hillsborough County and Hardee County.

Five storm-related deaths have been reported in North Carolina, according to Gov. Cooper’s office.

This includes three people died in separate vehicle-related incidents on Friday, one person died from carbon monoxide poisoning after running a generator in a closed garage, while no information was provided about one death.

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