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2023 Presidency Going To South Wishful Thinking, Not Practical – Senator Adamu

2023 Presidency Going To South Wishful Thinking, Not Practical - Senator Adamu %Post Title







Former governor of Nasarawa State and Senator representing Nasarawa West, Abdullahi Adamu, has said it is wishful thinking and not practical for the Southern region to think the presidency in 2023 will be zoned to them.

He stated this on Monday, at an interactive session with newsmen in Abuja.

He argued that there was no provision for zoning in the 1999 Constitution and admonished any geopolitical zone anxious to clinch the ticket of the two major political parties to galvanize support for the exalted seat within the parties.

He said, “The Nigerian constitution that I have, there is nowhere it says we should zone any office. There is a federal character, that is in the constitution. The constitution is being reviewed. If you want to review and you want a provision, specific, that presidential office to be zoned in such a manner you tell us how you want it zoned.

“You can’t just wish away a situation that is fundamental to the life of a country.

“You can’t talk of merit and talk of zoning. The issue of rotation, let’s just go by merit. Let every party find a way of selling itself in a manner as to garner the kind of votes to deliver the presidential result. It is as simple as that.

“It is the government of the people, by the people and for the people. Why do you want to change it? It is wishful thinking only. We are not being practical.

”Is there zoning in the United States Constitution?. Are we more democratic than them? Any zoning in the UK with all the problems with Ireland? Did our colonial masters do it? The Constitution says you can only become the President through the ballot.

“The political party has the last card. As far as I know, the right to field a candidate rests squarely with the political party; we can only preach for fairness. That is how far we can go.” (SaharaReporters)

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