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5 Days Sit-At-Home Order In S’East Not Authorised –IPOB

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has asked residents of the South East to ignore a call by faceless video poster ordering the people of the area to stay at home for five days, consecutively. The faceless video poster, who claimed to be a Biafra agitator, had ordered for sitat- home in the South East on 9th,10th, 11th, 12th and 14th of December, adding that anybody that would ignore the order would face death. But IPOB yesterday disowned the announcement in a statement by its media and publicity secretary, Emma Powerful.

The group’s statementreadinpart:“ Theglobal family and movement of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) under the command and leadership of our great prophet and indefatigable liberator, Mazi Nnamdi Okwuchukwu Kanu, wish to state unequivocally to the people of Biafra, friends of Biafra, and lovers of Biafra freedom that IPOB leadership did not issueanysit-at-homeorderon 9th,10th, 11th, 12th, 13thor14th of December, 2022. “IPOBneverissuedanysitat- home order on these days mentioned above because we are not miscreants, senseless, or jobless people.

“Every Biafran and residents in Biafra land should ignore such order from untrained and brainless individuals whose agenda is to make Biafra agitation unattractive to our people. Every Biafran must go to their normal business on those days. “IPOB who is concerned about our people cannot issue such brainless uncaring fiveday consecutive sit-at-home order to suffer our people during this critical time of the year when people are trying to makeupintheir businesses for the year.

“The conception of consecutive five-day sit-at-home by a Nigeria agent and his sponsors is to show the level of wickednessandhatredthey haveagainstourpeople. Their agenda is to create insecurity and unnecessary hardships to make our people jettison Biafra freedom. How wicked! “Again, everyonehashisor her rights to go and collect his or her PVC from their polling and registration centres without molestations. IPOB never boycott election and has nothing to do with Nigeria’s shambolic elections. “Our people should be prepared and ready to confront any fool who dares to enforce such wicked sit-athome.

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