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Senate orders immediate deportation of Samsung Nigeria MD

The Nigerian Senate has declared Samsung Nigeria MD an illegal immigrant, and ordered his immediate deportation.

Senate orders immediate deportation of Samsung Nigeria MD %Post Title

The Senate declared the SAMSUNG Nigeria Managing Director, Young Ho Jo, an illegal immigrant and ordered the Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) to deport him back to South Korea, his home country immediately.

The upper chamber of the National ssembly gave the order following the outcome of an investigation carried out by its adhoc committee over the $16.35 billion Egina Oil Field project chaired by Senator Solomon Adeola, representing Lagos West Senatorial District. He said;

“Mr. Young Ho Jo, who has been working for the past two months in Nigeria as the managing director of Samsung without fulfilling legal requirements for such, told us that he could not complete his documentation as a result of alleged break down of machines of the Nigeria Content Development Monitoring Board (NCMDB).

But the NCMBD wrote to us that their machines had never broken down in the period claimed, showing that the man has contravened the Local Content law.

Going by recommendations made by this committee to the Senate and resolution adopted, SAMSUNG MD is no longer recognised on account of improper documentation as shown by papers he presented.

“To the Senate and this committee, SAMSUNG MD is an illegal immigrant who must be deported by the Nigerian Immigration Service, to which a letter to that effect has been forwarded to the Ministry of Interior.

He can, however, come back to the country through proper documentation thereafter,”

The senate during its investigation, also discovered that Young Ho Jo while in Nigeria, violated the Local Content Act by spending $1.6 billion out of the $3.5 billion contract SAMSUNG got from the $16.35 billion Egina Oil Field Project in Goje, South Korea.

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