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15-Year-Old Girl Allegedly Gang-Raped By 33 Men In India







A 15-year-old girl (name with­held) was allegedly gang-raped on several occasions by up to 33 men in the latest horrifying sex attack case in India.

A senior police official con­firmed that the attacks took place at various locations in the Thane district of Ma­harashtra state over the last eight months.

Sources also said police have arrested 24 people and detained two minors in con­nection with the case so far.

According to Times of In­dia, the 15-year-old girl is un­dergoing treatment at a gov­ernment hospital. However, it was also reported that angry mobs had gathered outside the police station; where the men are being held, to protest against the attack.

It was reported that po­lice in the city of Dombivli registered a case on Wednes­day night against 33 people accused of crimes including rape; repeated rape; gang-rape; and rape of a minor.

Business Standard of India also reported that the girl was blackmailed after the rape in­cidence.

“It all started when the lover of the girl raped her in January and made a video of the incident. He started black­mailing her on the basis of that video.

“Later on, his friends and acquaintances gang-raped her at least on four to five oc­casions at different places; in­cluding Dombivli, Badlapur, Murbad and Rabale in the district.”

A special investigative team has been formed to probe the case.

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