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TUC, senior civil servants rejoice with Buhari

TUC, senior civil servants rejoice with Buhari - Photo/Image

TRADE Union Union Congress of Nigeria, TUC and the Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria, ASCSN, have congratulated President Mohummadu Buhari over his election for a second term of four years during Saturday’s presidential election.

In separate messages, TUC and ASCSN, pleaded with the President to take advantage of the fresh mandate to beef up welfare packages of workers by implementing the new National Minimum Wage as soon as the Senate passed the Bill since the House of Representatives had already done so.

TUC in a statement by its Secretary General, Musa-Lawal Ozigi, said among others, Your victory for our esteemed organization is an eloquent testimony to the fact that Nigerians believe in you and have resolved to be taken to the Next Level. It was a keenly contested election, but we are glad that we attained virtually non violent solution that has been applauded by many. We have no iota of doubt this victory would afford you the opportunity to consolidate on the socio-economic progress you have commenced in the past four years.

“Last Saturday election was not a case of winners and losers. There was no loser in the election. We were not in a war. We are brothers and sisters. As such, we appeal to you to be magnanimous in victory; embrace everyone irrespective of party affiliations, bring in good hands from across the parties to build a country we shall all be proud of.”

On its part, ASCSN in a statement by its Secretary, Alade Bashir Lawal, argued  that the renewed pan-Nigerian mandate given to President Buhari and his political party, the All Progressive Congress, APC,  was another trust bestowed on him and the party and expressed the hope that they would not disappoint Nigerians, saying “We urge you to beef up the welfare packages of workers in your second tenure by implementing the new National Minimum Wage as soon as the Senate passed the Bill since the House of Representatives had already done so. Since no man is infallible, you may wish to reflect on your performance in the last four years and see if there are areas that need improvement in order to further enhance national cohesion, peace, prosperity, and development.

“Hope is, therefore, high that you will bring further fresh positive perspectives to bear on governance as is the case in the more advanced economies of the world. There is no doubt that the challenges ahead are enormous.  We nonetheless believe that with hard-work, perseverance, and selfless service to our fatherland, you will overcome and move the country to the next level as you pledged during the electoral campaigns.’’

“ASCSN commends President Buhari for keeping faith with the covenant he entered into with Nigerian workers not to send them to the oversaturated labour market through needless retrenchment and simultaneously ensured that salaries and allowances of public service employees were paid as and when due. You did not only keep these promises but also settled promotion arrears and outstanding salaries owed Federal Government workers by your predecessors. We have no doubt whatsoever that those who were inadvertently omitted or were short-paid during the exercise will be settled soonest in order to bring this ugly chapter in the Federal Public Service to a positive end.” (Vanguard)

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