Canada IVF doctor loses licence for using wrong sperm – including his own
At the height of his 41-year medical career the Canadian fertility specialist Norman Barwin was known as the “baby god” but the 80-year old has been stripped of his medical licence for repeatedly using the wrong sperm – including his own – to impregnate his patients.
Barwin was deemed incompetent by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, which described the former doctor’s behaviour as “beyond reprehensible” and said the damage he caused will last for generations.
Barwin did not notify his patients of the errors, leaving them to discover years later the truth about their children’s paternity.
“It is the most egregious violation of a patient’s trust. These patients came to Dr Barwin and trusted him to help them start a family,” said Carolyn Silver, the College’s senior counsel.
Canadian doctor accused of using own sperm in IVF treatment

Frances Shapiro Munn, a lawyer on the case, welcomed the medical community’s acknowledgment of the victims’ ordeal. She noted that the impact of his conduct would “ripple through their lives for a long time”.
The College said it started its own investigation of Barwin because of the media coverage surrounding the civil case. It has since found evidence that Barwin fathered at least seven children and wrongly inseminated 13 women.

In the College’s summary of its judgment, it described a dozen cases in which women were impregnated with the wrong sperm. In one case, one of the resulting children found out through an online DNA registry and then further medical DNA testing that Barwin is her biological father.
Another of the adult children read a victim impact statement at the hearing. In 2015, Rebecca Dixon, then 25, underwent blood testing for celiac disease, a typically hereditary illness neither of her parents suffered. Through that testing she and her parents found out she had no genetic link to the man she believed to be her father.
In her victim impact statement, Dixon said “in that moment, my life changed forever.”

“This is a tragic situation, in which a sea of avoidable harm was done,” wrote Hughes. (The Guardian)