Coronavirus kills 210 people in Iran, highest outside China

BBC Persian reported Friday that no fewer than 210 people have died from coronavirus in Iran, in various cities, as of Thursday night.
The news platform gave the high, unofficial figure, the highest outside of China citing hospital sources.
An Iranian health ministry spokesman, denied the report.
In a tweet on Friday, Kianush Jahanpur rejected the report by BBC Persian.
Jahanpur, announced earlier in the day that 34 people have died from coronavirus in Iran so far, with 388 infected. Even at 34 deaths, Iran has recorded the highest deaths outside of China.
Iran has been accused of not coming clean on the extent of coronavirus infections and deaths in the country.
So far, seven officials of the country, including deputy health minister, have the virus, the latest being Vice President Masoumeh Ebtekar. She is President Hassan Rouhani’s deputy in charge of women’s affairs.
Her catching the bug raised concern on Friday as she sits just a few seats away from Rouhani at cabinet meetings.
One prominent cleric has died of the virus.
The disease is believed to have spread to the country from China, which has maintained close economic relations with the Tehran government despite American sanctions