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Address Ondo State People Or Resign Now – Civic Group, ORF Calls On Governor Akeredolu, Decries Vacuum In Administration

Address Ondo State People Or Resign Now – Civic Group, ORF Calls On Governor Akeredolu, Decries Vacuum In Administration %Post Title

An Ondo State socio-political group, Ondo Redemption Front (ORF), has called on the State Governor, Rotimi Akeredolu to address the state or resign from his position if he is no longer medically fit to continue to govern the state.

The group which stated this on Monday during a press conference held in Ondo State, decried the lack of governance at the executive level in the state and appealed to the House of Assembly to foster cohesion instead of allowing itself to be used as a tool for destabilisation and distraction by the purported impeachment plan of the deputy governor of the state, Lucky Aiyedatiwa.

ORF in the release by its Chairman, Ayodeji Ologun, reminded the people of the state that at such critical time in the history of the state, what was urgently needed were healing, mutual trust and collective advancement of the delivery of good governance.

According to the group in a conference text made available to SaharaReporters, “It is visible to the blind and audible to the deaf, the state of comatose that Ondo State has found herself in recent time and regrettably so because she used to be the shining star of the west and a reference point in good governance and social welfare of the citizens. Governance has suddenly taken flight, leaving the people without leadership, direction or representation in all forms.

“We condemn the absence of leadership and representation by the Ondo State hierarchy and demand that henceforth, individuals so elected should be allowed to perform their democratic duties as provided for by the laws of the land. We are a people of pride and a voice. We can not be silenced to the advantage of a few.

“It has been thirty one full days that Governor Akeredolu was “smuggled” into Nigeria after about initial four months of absence from not only his duty but the state. The purported return of the Governor established an aberration in history whereby state duties were transferred to personal residence of the governor where he met with the House of assembly members of the state and purportedly transmitted a letter notifying the assembly of his return and resumption of duty.

“Since the purported resumption of duty, not only has the Governor been seen in any public gathering, he has failed to carry out any state function even in the least, an address to the good people of the state. This leaves so much to be desired and further reinstate the fact that the Governor is unwell and his handlers are only marauding to give the people of the state the true status of the health of their governor.

“While we understand the fallibility of men and the sovereignty of God in matters of health, there is a duty to perform and only the physically fit as provided for by the constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria can perform such duty and one, the health of Akeredolu is being doubted.

“The secrecy by which the return and whereabouts of Governor Akeredolu have been shrouded call for concern and suspicion and we dare say that we can’t afford to again have a repeat of the Yaradua scenario where the nation was in the dark of the living or otherwise of the then president. The life of a public office holder should be a transparent one and the people of the state deserve to know the true state of the health of Mr. Governor.

“The people and by the virtue of this press conference are demanding an address by the Governor to the people of the state to clear the controversy surrounding the state of his health and his capability to continue to lead the state.

“We state and unequivocally too, that should the governor fail to address the state in a couple of days, we call for his resignation and in the alternative, the State House of Assembly is hereby called upon to immediately constitute a medical board comprising qualified and unbiased professionals and experts who can provide an impartial assessment of the Governor’s health status and the findings of which should be made public as provided for by the law and put to rest any speculation and should the Governor be found incapable of the discharge of the duties of his office, the provision of the law should take its course.”(SaharaReporters)

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