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Andreas Iniesta to leave Barcelona after 22 years

Andreas Iniesta to leave Barcelona after 22 years %Post Title

Andres Iniesta has announced he will be leaving Barcelona this summer after 22 years at the club.

The 33-year-old’s announcement came during a press conference at Barcelona’s training ground on Friday, bringing an end to a glittering career at the Nou Camp.

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The midfielder was in tears during the announcement, which was attended by his Barcelona team-mates.

Iniesta, a World Cup winner with Spain, won eight La Liga titles, with a ninth set to be secured in the coming weeks, alongside four Champions League wins and six Copa del Rey crowns.

Iniesta is expected to move to Chinese Super League club Chongqing Dangdai Lifan, with their president Gong Daxing recently admitting they are in negotiations with the Barcelona midfielder.   (Sky Sports)

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