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Antony returns to Man Utd training as club announce he is available for selection

Antony returns to Man Utd training as club announce he is available for selection %Post Title









Manchester United have made Antony available for selection again – despite the winger still facing allegations of physical assault.

Antony attended an interview with Greater Manchester Police on Thursday, where the £82million star was questioned by detectives over five hours.

United initially granted Antony a leave of absence, on full pay, to deal with the allegations against him, which have been made by his ex-partner, Gabriela Cavallin.

Antony was dropped from Brazil’s squad when the allegations surfaced, and United took the same action, with the 23-year-old having missed their last four games.

But United have decided to bring Antony back into the fold, although he will not train with the squad today and will not be available for tomorrow’s Premier League game against Crystal Palace at Old Trafford.

A statement released by United said: “Since allegations were first made in June, Antony has cooperated with police inquiries in both Brazil and the UK, and he continues to do so.

“As Antony’s employer, Manchester United has decided that he will resume training at Carrington, and be available for selection, while police inquiries proceed.

“This will be kept under review pending further developments in the case.

“As a club, we condemn acts of violence and abuse.

“We recognise the importance of safeguarding all those involved in this situation, and acknowledge the impact these allegations have on survivors of abuse.”

Antony denies the allegations made against him and has not been arrested or charged in the UK or Brazil in connection with them, and continues to cooperate fully with inquiries in both countries.

Sources close to the player say he has provided evidence to support his strong denials of the allegations against him, which includes offering to surrender his mobile phone to police.

United say they will continue to keep the situation under review for as long as police inquiries continue, but feel they are justified in bringing Antony back for training and selection.

Cavallin, who will be interviewed by Greater Manchester Police on Friday, accused Antony of attacking her “with a headbutt” in a Manchester hotel room on January 15, leaving her with a cut head which needed treatment from a doctor.

She also alleged she was punched in the chest by Antony, causing damage to a silicone breast implant, which required corrective surgery.

Responding to the allegations on social media, Antony said: “I can calmly state that the accusations are false and that the evidence already produced and the other evidence that will be produced demonstrate that I am innocent of the accusations made.”

He also released a statement in June saying he had been falsely accused by his former girlfriend of domestic violence. He was interviewed by police in Brazil in June but was not charged.(the Mirror)

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