The group in a statement by the president, Dickson Bekederemo, said: “If political gain is the thrust of Atiku’s choice as PDP’s flag bearer, then the party has shot itself at the hip for jettisoning loyalty and commitment amongst its members.”
“It is a sad commentary that PDP as a party did not learn any enduring lesson from its travails in the hands of these self-seekers in the 2015 general elections. The party has not been able to purge itself from money politics that bogged it down in previous elections.”
It asserted: “Though, the biblical prodigal son was welcomed by his father into the family, but he did not usurp the place of the dutiful son. Unlike the biblical story, the PDP threw the dutiful and loyal son overboard and enthroned instead an unrepentant antagonist, someone reputed as an inordinately ambitious son as the crown prince.”
“Thus, the reward for the loyal and committed party members over the last three years was an orchestrated defeat at the PDP elective National Convention in Port Harcourt by a notorious decampee, who did everything in the book to scuttle the electoral victory of the party in the 2015 general elections. This is a travesty of justice. It negates equity, justice and fair play in every sense of it,” NDSWON said.
The group added: “While it is incontestable that nomination and election of candidates for general elections is an exclusive right of the members of a party, we deem it necessary to condemn the attitudes of the delegates saddled with this onerous task. They placed premium on monetary gains at party conventions or primary elections above the gain of loyalty and commitment to the party.”
Its words: “It is an empirical fact that Abubakar dumped PDP at a crucial moment during the electioneering campaigns in 2015. It was a slap too many on the cheeks of the PDP chieftains when they needed his political clout, network of friends and financial leverage most. Some perceived of his stance as a breach of trust having benefitted so much from the PDP superstructure.” (Vanguard)