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Baby Fighting For Life After Contracting Herpes From Kisses At His Christening (Sad Photos)

Noah Tindle, a 4-week-old baby was left fighting for his life when he contracted herpes in his eye after being kissed at a christening in the U.K.

Noah and his 21-year-old mother, Ashleigh White, had attended a christening in September 2018, when he was a newborn.

He was passed around to multiple relatives and friends, who were all kissing and hugging him, White told Caters News Agency.

Baby Fighting For Life After Contracting Herpes From Kisses At His Christening (Sad Photos) %Post Title

“About a week later, his eye started going a little bit red. It started swelling and getting blisters, so we ended up taking him to the doctors,” White said.

He was later diagnosed with Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1), which is known as the “kiss of death,” which almost caused him to lose sight in one eye.

Noah received the anti-viral drugs for two weeks, an hour a time, three hours a day. He spent two and a half months in the hospital recovering from the disease.

He will have to receive the anti-viral drug for 9 more months, after a relapse in March 2019.

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