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Back codeine ban with law, JNI tells federal government

Back codeine ban with law, JNI tells federal government %Post Title

Following the recent ban on the importation of cough syrups with codeine, the Jama’atul Nasril Islam (JNI) on Tuesday call on the Federal Government to enact laws that back its action.

The Secretary General, JNI, Khalid Aliyu, made the call during an interview with newsmen after the pre -Ramadhan meeting held in Kaduna.

“We thank God that the federal government has banned codeine, but there should be a law backing it that will punish culprits found dealing with codeine.”

Mr Aliyu said that drug abuse has been the problem of northern youth as most of them abused codeine and other cough syrup.

He called on scholars to take advantage of the preaching sessions during Ramadhan to enlighten the public on the dangers of drug abuse.

He also urged scholars not to resort to politicking while delivering sermon and urged them to preach against hate speech.

The federal government had banned the production and importation of cough syrup containing codeine on May 1.


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