Black couple reach their goal of traveling to 100 countries in 5 years
Black couple from America, Dr. Sheba and Ronnie Dunston could not hide their excitements after they attained their goal of traveling to 100 countries of the world in five years.

The couple visited Russia, India, Cuba, Romania, Bosnia, Maldives, Canada, Colombia, Northern Ireland, and Macedonia among many others, and they always made sure they were pictured kissing in all of the countries they visited.

Taking to Instagram to celebrate, upon achieving their goal of traveling to 100 countries, the husband wrote:
We made it to Mauritius ?? !!! Our 100th Country visited together, with my beautiful Melanin Queen ? Dr. Sheba. (@getfitwithdrsheba )
This moment is so bittersweet. We never thought we would accomplish this goal in so little time, especially with both of us working full time jobs, 40+ hrs a week.
We had no sponsors, no donations, no travel agents, no one to help us, all we had was each other. We knew we wanted to travel the world, at least half of it, but after looking into the cost of travel we are like OMG this ish is EXPENSIVE.
How are we going to do this? Being entrepreneurs at heart, we tried to figure out how we can make most of our travel FREE ?.
After all KNOWLEDGE is the key to all SUCCESS stories. So we sat, strategized and developed what we like to call “The Tricks to Travel.” Using points, miles, and strategic systems, we were able to visit 100 countries together in 5yrs.’