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BREAKING: Emmanuel Macron projected to win French presidential election

BREAKING: Emmanuel Macron projected to win French presidential election - Photo/Image













Emmanuel Macron will win France’s presidential election, pollsters project, fending off a historic challenge from right-wing candidate Marine Le Pen during Sunday’s runoff vote.

President Macron is expected to take 58.2% of the vote to Le Pen’s 41.8%, according to an analysis of voting data by pollsters Ipsos & Sopra Steria conducted for broadcasters France Televisions and Radio France.
French pollsters typically release projections at 8 p.m. local time, when the polls close in major cities and several hours before the French Interior Ministry releases the official results. 

These projections, which are based on data from voting stations that close at 7 p.m. in the rest of the country, are usually used by the candidates and French media to declare a winner. (CNN)

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