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BREAKING: Kaduna Villagers Bombed During Maulud Celebration

BREAKING: Kaduna Villagers Bombed During Maulud Celebration %Post Title

Many villagers are feared dead following a bomb allegedly dropped by a Nigerian Air Force jet during a Maulud celebration atTudun Biri, a community within Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State.

Though details of the incident remain sketchy, preliminary reports indicate that about 30 people died during the incident on Sunday, around 9:00 pm.

Residents told Daily Trust that the bomb struck while the villagers gathered to commemorate Maulud in the village.

“They were celebrating Maulud (birth of Prophet Muhammad) when the jet dropped the bomb, resulting in the immediate death of more than 30 people,” a resident said.

There is apprehension that the death toll may increase.

When reached for comment, Samuel Aruwan, Overseeing Commissioner of the State Ministry of Internal Security and Home Affairs, did not provide casualty figures, stating that the government would address the media in a press conference at the Government House.

“We will address the press at Government House on the situation because there would be a security meeting later. So, let’s meet by 10 am,” he said.

NAF has also yet to speak on the incident as of press time. (Daily Trust)

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