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Buhari’s major achievement in 7 years is corruption — Senator Fadahunsi

Buhari’s major achievement in 7 years is corruption — Senator Fadahunsi %Post Title

Senator Francis Fadahunsi has said President Muhammadu Buhari’s major achievement in the last seven years has been massive corruption in the system.

Fadahunsi while speaking on the state of the nation in Osogbo at the weekend, said many Buhari’s ministers and some legislators would elope at the expiration of the president’s tenure due to acts of corruption perpetrated in their ministries.

“Today what we have is a wasted seven years of leadership, whose major achievement is looting. My view is, by the time President Buhari, ‘the holy man’ is retiring to his farm in Daura, many ministers would have run away from this country, few legislatures would have disappeared before the end of this administration because of the massive looting ‘he did not know about”.

Many heads of agencies would have eloped and we will not know until another administration reveal the extent of looting perpetrated because no sector of the economy is doing fine, despite the massive borrowing.

The Senator representing Osun East Senatorial District at the red chamber said Nigerian youths are not ready to take their future into their hands, has many of them did not have voters cards yet, despite the huge population.

He said until the youths are ready to rescue Nigeria through election revolution, the country would continue to be led by corrupt leaders.

“Over 50 per cent of the country’s population is youth but they do not bother about serious issues like possessing voters card. Their major concern is music, now that voters registration is ongoing, the youths will not make an issue and mobilise towards changing the narratives by enthroning a government that can turn the country around.

“We are not in a military government and the only way to change government you do not like is to vote it out, but when you don’t have the tool to so do, how do you change such government. We have all realised that it is impossible to change a bad politician once in power”, said Fadahunsi.

He added that Nigerians need to start probing spending of the executive arm of government as they do with the legislature, saying the executive controlled a larger percentage of the budget unchecked.

He adds, “The national assembly has less than 2% of the country’s N17 trillion budget while the executive arm takes the remaining 98%. Today, Nigeria is saying the National Assembly is corrupt while the man who controls 98% of the budget is not questioned on what he has done with the money, ministers who don’t canvas for votes are stealing billions unchecked while lawmakers who expend on community projects are the ones who are scrutinised by EFCC and ICPC who are under the control of the executive.

“But the executive spending its budget unchecked would not want to monitor it its activities or any agency under its control. Attempts by lawmakers to conduct oversight is frustrated by the executive”.

He added that the country needs an agile President with deep knowledge of the economy, who must give his all to salvage the economy, which is already comatose.

“What we need now is a man that knows the nitty-gritty of the country, the real problem of the economy and can savage the present economic situation from growing worse, a man that will give oxygen to the country, an experienced person that doesn’t need anything than to come and serve. That will also bring Nigerians doing well in the diaspora to revive the economy, people who can speak truth to power and reject directives capable of jeopardising the economy”, he added. (Vanguard)

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