Coronavirus death toll in New York surpasses 10,000

Coronavirus death toll in New York, has surpassed 10,000, accounting for more than half of the death in the United States.
New York now has 10,056 confirmed cases of Coronavirus, more than several countries in the world.
United States has so far recorded 560,891 confirmed cases of Coronavirus, with 22,861 deaths, the highest in the world.
Covid-19 has infected more than 1.85 million people and killed at least 114,000 worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University.
“If you isolate, if you take the precautions, your family won’t get infected. We can control the spread. Feel good about that,” he said at a Coronavirus briefing today.
However, Cuomo warned New Yorkers need to “continued to be smart.”
“The worst is over. Yeah, if we continue to be smart going forward. Because remember we have the hand on that valve. You turn that valve too fast, you will see that number jump right back,” he added.
While discussing reopening the economy, Cuomo emphasized the importance of starting the transportation system along with the rest of the economy.
“You can’t start one system without starting the other systems. You can’t start the economic system without starting the transportation system. And if you can’t run the transportation system, then you can’t reopen the economy,” he said today at a coronavirus briefing.
“These systems work in coordination,” he added.
According to CNN, Cuomo said the federal government also needs to work in coordination with these systems.
“You’re going to need federal support, and you’re going to need smart legislation passed by the federal government that actually attends to the need as opposed to normal political considerations,” he said.