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Coronavirus: Spain at verge of recovery

Coronavirus: Spain at verge of recovery %Post Title







Spain Wednesday recorded 523 coronavirus-related deaths in the past 24 hours.

The figure released by the Health Ministry bolstered evidence that the country was on the verge of recovery.

It brings the total fatalities to nearly 18,579.

The number is down from a peak of more than 900 daily victims in previous weeks.

New infections rose slightly in comparison to Tuesday, bringing the overall number of confirmed cases to 177,600.

Meanwhile, the number of recovery from the illness rose by 3,300 to reach around 71,000.

The news follows several days of a comparatively low growth rate of new infections in badly hit Spain.

This suggests the past month of restrictions on public life is succeeding in stemming the spread of the virus.

Earlier, the Spanish parliament approved an extension of the current state of emergency and the accompanying lockdown until April 25.

Thereafter, the measures would be eased gradually.

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