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Don’t Negotiate with Bandits, Youth Coalition Tells Niger Gov

Don’t Negotiate with Bandits, Youth Coalition Tells Niger Gov %Post Title

The Coalition of Concerned Shiroro Youths Association yesterday opposed the plan by Niger State Governor, Alhaji Umaru Bago to negotiate with bandits and terrorists that are holding sway in the local government and five other local government areas in the state.

In a statement by its Convener, Sani Kokki, the coalition described the terrorists as “common criminals” who should be treated as such.

Worried by the recent ambush and killing of Soldiers in Kundu, Wushishi LGA and in Kwaki in Shiroro LGA, Bago told newsmen in Abuja that he would negotiate with the bandits to restore peace in the troubled areas of the state.

Disturbed by Bago’s remark, Kokki declared that the terrorists should be engaged, confronted and possibly eliminated forcefully instead of the planned soft landing being proposed by the present state government

“Government opting for negotiation with terrorists is a clear sign of weakness and same is a very unpopular policy. Negotiating with criminals especially the ones spearheaded and championed by government is one of the indices of a failed government.

“Crime and criminality should not be allowed to be a lucrative and attractive venture where bad elements will troop in, in their numbers just to derive livelihood and as a means of sustenance.

“It is utterly unreasonable to contemplate negotiating with bloodthirsty vermin who are directly responsible for our present but seemingly endless woes.”

Kokki added that heinous crime such as crimes against humanity, rape, killing, stealing, extortion, maiming, kidnapping among others are being perpetrated by these mostly armed Fulani herdsmen” therefore they should be treated as criminals.

Meanwhile, Niger State Vigilante Corps has offered to rid the state of terrorists and bandits within three months if given the go ahead by the government.

At a session with journalists, the Commander of the Corps, Mallam Nasiru Manta said the government should surrender all the forests in the state to the Corps assuring that within the period the forests will be rid of criminals.

According to manta, the Niger state government should surrender all the forests in Niger state to us to clear those that are serving as impediments to the lawful task of rearing animals and farming in parts of the state.

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