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EFCC accuses Akwa Ibom ex-gov of shielding looters

EFCC accuses Akwa Ibom ex-gov of shielding looters %Post Title

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission has alleged that former Governor Udoh Emmanuel’s administration in Akwa Ibom shielded and protected some persons who looted the state’s treasury.

Speaking on the sidelines of a media workshop for journalists with the theme on Thursday, September 14, the EFCC’s head of legal and prosecution services, Uyo Zonal Command, Tekan Ndifon, decried the action of the state government.

Ndifon argued that such activities are inimical to the progress and development of the state.

He noted that the stolen funds would have been returned for the development of the state to better the lives of the people if they had been recovered.

His words:

“The immediate past administration went to court and obtained an injunction that we don’t have the powers to investigate the state funds. The matter is in court. We tried to see what we could do with the matter. We tried to see how they could open their case but they were dilly-dallying. 

“They brought different witnesses who were cross-examined. After they tried to close their case they brought two witnesses again. 

“After we thought they were going to close their case they brought in other witnesses just to stall the case because they believe that since the matter is in court we can not take further steps to investigate them.

“The reason for their action is to shield the people that stole Akwa Ibom state funds. 

“It is not our money. it is Akwa Ibom state money. So whatever happens we are not going to return the money to the federal government but to Akwa Ibom state to be used for the people but now they are stopping it.”

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