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As a major player in the Trustees business, FCMB Trustees Limited has launched e-Wills, an automated system that makes the process of writing of Wills easier and more affordable.

Commenting on the importance of Wills and the commitment of FCMB Trustees to provide the very best solutions, the Managing Director of the company, Samuel Adesanmi, said:

“Writing a Will is essential because it helps distribute assets to the right beneficiaries. Therefore, people who die without a will leave unnecessary work, complications, and costs for their family and friends. It can also protect the estate left behind and facilitate the distribution of assets in case of death.”

FCMB e-Wills offers a platform where Clients can create their Wills online. The draft Will be reviewed for the Client to print and then sign and also, where required, FCMB Trustees will offer assistance through its team of external solicitors to probate the Will.

FCMB Trustees equally offers Codicil services, a service that allows clients to amend/update an existing Will.

The robust FCMB Trustees e-Wills portal is designed to store important files and data in the event of death and can be accessed anytime by designated persons, even if they are in another country. The files are also encrypted, restricting access to unauthorised persons.

Additional value-adds of the solution are estate administration (as Executors and Administrators), confirmation of the value of the assets and debts of the estate, disposal of assets, payment of obligations, taxes, and other liabilities, access to legal advice from retained external solicitors, and paying out the estate according to the Will.

FCMB Trustees Limited is a member of FCMB Group Plc, a purpose beyond profit financial powerhouse, led by Ladi Balogun as Group Chief Executive. The Group is committed to COVID-19 recovery, income equality and poverty reduction by easing credit constraints to disadvantaged individuals and small businesses.

The FCMB Trustees’ e-Wills solution aligns with Goal 16 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), focused on promoting peace, justice and strong institutions without which women and children will suffer untold hardships.

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