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Fresh moves to ease Magu out unfounded – EFCC Spokesman

Fresh moves to ease Magu out unfounded – EFCC Spokesman %Post Title



Mr Tony Orilade, Acting Head, Media and Publicity of the EFCC, says media reports on fresh moves to remove the Acting Chairman of the commission by the Presidency is unfounded.

Orilade said this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja on Sunday while reacting to a report that the Presidency planned to remove Ibrahim Magu, the commisaion’s Acting Chairman.

According to him, Magu will not want to be distracted by unfounded media reports.

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“He is focused on the fight against corruption and majority of Nigerians who are beneficiaries of the corruption fight are happy with him.

“With securing 312 convictions, including two ex-governors last year and five convictions already in 2019, the EFCC under Magu’s leadership deserves an applause,” orilade said.

NAN recalls that a report in the media stated that the EFCC chairman may be asked to pursue further studies in order to advance his career in the Nigeria Police Force where he is already a commissioner.

Magu had been in acting capacity for more than three years.

The Senate had twice refused to confirm Magu as substantive chairman of the commission.

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