Germany’s coronavirus tracing app goes live
”Corona-Warn-App”, a German application for coronavirus contact tracing went live on Tuesday and available to download.
The app will be officially presented in Berlin by the government, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) – the official disease control body – and the companies involved later on Tuesday morning.
According to the government’s spokesman, Steffen Seibert said that the German population are under no obligation to download and make use of the app.
“Voluntary means voluntary,” Seibert said. Failure to use the track and trace app will not result in any penalties or disadvantages.
“And we believe that people should also not be rewarded,” he added in response to a query on whether employers or businesses could offer benefits to users of the app.
“It is a very meaningful tool,” Klaus Reinhardt, president of the German medical association, told DPA, adding that it provides a simple way to recognize infection chains.
“But it also allows us to take personal precautions – by going to get tested if we receive a relevant warning notice.”
The app is intended to facilitate the tracking of novel coronavirus infection chains, with the aim of curbing the spread of the virus as Germany eases its lockdown rules.