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God didn’t call me to buy jet, flashy cars – Apostle Chinyere


God didn’t call me to buy jet, flashy cars – Apostle Chinyere %Post Title






Apostle Chibuzor Gift Chinyere, the General Overseer of Omega Power Ministry, OPM, in Port Harcourt, Rivers State has said God did not call him to buy jet and flashy cars for his wife and children but to preach the gospel and reach out to the poor in a bid to bring them to Christ.

He spoke when he unveiled a free estate he built for repented sex workers and girls rescued from trafficking syndicates.

The cleric shocked all, when in a clear departure of what is trending in many Pentecostal Churches in Nigeria, on July 29, 2019, unveiled the free estate.

The Free Estate is situated at Omokiri Play Ground, Aluu in Ikwerre local government area of Rivers State and is built in a serene environment with free skill acquisition centres where the girls would be trained on hairdressing, tailoring, baking and toiletry.

The Estate, made up of 72 flats, comprising one bedroom, has a standby sound proof generator and
facilities for comfortable living, like quality water, free feeding, and television sets to unwind for the girls.

Chinyere, popularly called “Daddy OPM”, reminded the people that his goal was not to build the biggest house or drive the best of cars, buy private jets, but to see that souls made it to heaven and that beaten and battered people and societal misfits were given a helping hand, rehabilitated and won for Christ.

He said that his target on earth was to make sure that two billions souls made heaven, which was why he was doing everything possible to make his vision a possibility, including rescuing sex workers selling their bodies for money.

He lamented that there were more churches than schools, yet children littered the streets of Nigeria due to lack of education, while enjoining every pastor to make it a point of duty to open free schools for the less privileged children and lend helping hands to the needy.

Most of the beneficiaries were sex workers who were preached to at the Casablanca Government Reservation Area, GRA, and the popular ‘Cool Breeze’ in the ghetto parts of Diobu axis of Port Harcourt.

Among them are repented sex workers, pregnant repented sex workers and girls rescued from the busted baby factories. They were very excited as they moved into the free estate where everything is made available for them including feeding, clothing, toiletries, among others.

The OPM founder has been championing the advocacy that church offerings and tithes should primarily be for welfare of members and the less privileged in the society.

Of significance was the pleasant story of Ms. Cynthia Nweze, a former sex worker who went into the distasteful trade of prostitution because her husband abandoned her and bolted. She was preached to, had a change of heart and decided to live a godly life and serve God.

She was one those who repented  sometimes ago after Chinyere conducted a gospel crusade in the environs of crime-prone areas of the ghetto of Casablanca in Mile One, Diobu in Port Harcourt, where sex workers plied their trade.

God didn’t call me to buy jet, flashy cars – Apostle Chinyere %Post Title

The OPM Free Estate

After the man of God preached to them, he took those who repented to his home, fed them with food, preached the word of God to them and gave them money to come to church the next Sunday if they decided to have a change of heart.

Nweze was one of such girls who made a decision to change for the better, she was in church the next Sunday and denounced sex trade on the altar.

After denouncing sex trade, just like others, she was moved into the Free Estate and taken through thorough rehabilitation and was empowered with money to start up a decent trade.

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