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Guinea-Bissau PM Nabiam, others test positive for COVID-19

Guinea-Bissau PM Nabiam, others test positive for COVID-19 %Post Title
Guinea Bissau Prime Minister, Nuno Nabiam contracts Coronavirus (COVID-19)






Prime Minister Nuno Nabiam of Guinea-Bissau and several other senior officials have tested positive for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

Lusa news agency reported on Wednesday that Nabiam and at least three other members of his government are infected, citing Health Minister Antonio Deuna as the source of information.

A government source told Lusa that the other infected officials are Interior Minister Botche Cande and two secretaries of state, Mario Fambe and Monica Buaro.

The cases are related to a senior Interior Ministry official who has died, Lusa reported.

Guinea-Bissau had recorded 73 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and one death by Wednesday, according to the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.
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