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How Former Banker Blackmailing Lagos Ladies With Their Nudes Was Arrested

How Former Banker Blackmailing Lagos Ladies With Their Nudes Was Arrested %Post Title

















A former banker turned businessman, Amarah Kennedy who had been blackmailing at least two ladies with their nude photos was arrested on Friday in Lagos after one of his victims agreed to meet him for reconciliation.

Kennedy was arrested on Friday in the Oshodi area of the state after one of his victims, Kester, agreed to meet him under the pretext of resolving their disagreement.

Kester, who lost her husband about eight years ago in a car crash, said the banker turned businessman, after chatting her up, started showering her with monetary gifts.

However, after a disagreement, he sent her over 50 of her nude photos which he secretly took after their lovemaking in a hotel.

She said the Umunze, Anambra State indigene, demanded N100,000 from her as a condition to delete the photos.

The mother of two noted that after she sent the money and asked if the photos had been deleted, he demanded an additional N40,000 to delete them permanently, which she sent to him.

Despite the payments, the suspect went ahead to circulate the photos on Facebook.

Kester said she attempted suicide twice but failed, as some of those who saw the images started questioning her.

The second victim, Temi, said the suspect usually had marathon sex with her in hotels while under the influence of drugs, and afterwards gave her N1,000 as transport fares.

She noted that after she discovered that he was not serious about the relationship and was merely using her, she stopped talking to him.

However, Kennedy sent her several of her nude photos and demanded all the money he had spent on her in the relationship.

She said she borrowed N15,000, which she sent to him.

However, after she appealed to his sister on Facebook for help to talk to him, he started circulating the nude photos.

Temi said the businessman regularly called her to demand money.

After the report was published, the suspect on Monday threatened to continue to damage the reputation of the women for “spoiling my image.”

He then started sending the nude photos to their Facebook friends, family members, co-workers and church members.

Kennedy also sent the nude photos to Kester’s in-laws, vowing that “by the time I am done, suicide will be her only option.”

After a series of reports on his continued criminal act, the suspect on Thursday accused this reporter of being “a tribal bigot and an idiot”.

He poured expletives on the journalist, querying why he was “bent on destroying” him.

That night, Kester informed this reporter of a plan to lure Kennedy out of his hiding, saying she had agreed to resolve issues with him.

The peace meeting was mediated by a rights activist, Arike Adelodun.

On Friday morning, the day of the meeting, Adelodun called this reporter on the phone to say the suspect decried PUNCH’s continuous reports on the matter.

She said he wanted an assurance that the report would stop, as part of the conditions for the meeting, where he would delete all the nudes.

“I will call you back shortly and ask if you’re the one from PUNCH who has been writing the story. I will ask you to stop writing for the sake of Kester’s mental health. I will be very aggressive. Try to explain why you’re doing it, but I will shut you up. Just play along. He (Kennedy) will be added to the conference call. The purpose is for him to show up at the meeting,” she added.

After she called back, this reporter agreed to stop reporting on the matter pending when he would get feedback from the women “by the end of today”.

Our correspondent was told that Kennedy did not send the meeting location until around 7am on Friday; he fixed the meeting for 9am at an eatery at Oshodi.

Around 12 noon, Amarah Kennedy was arrested.

The first indication that Amarah Kennedy was arrested was made known by Lagos police spokesman, Ben Hundeyin

Source: The Punch

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