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I Am The Most Prepared To Succeed Buhari ― Tinubu

I Am The Most Prepared To Succeed Buhari ― Tinubu %Post Title

The National Leader of the All Progressives Congress (APC) and presidential aspirant on the platform of the party, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, on Thursday, maintained that he remains the only one prepared for the Presidential election and the only one to lead the party to victory in 2023.

Tinubu stated this while meeting with the delegates from Ondo State to solicit their votes said he is the “sole runner” urging the delegates to distinguish the best among the aspirants during the primaries.

He noted that the spirit of togetherness and unity had been missing, expressing optimism that hope and brightness can be restored if voted for him, saying he has the capacity to fix all the challenges confronting the country.

He disclosed that he is not in the race to acquire wealth but to contribute to the development of the country and the people, saying qualifying to be President of Nigeria does not require strength but intelligence and smartness to overcome the numerous problems bedevilling the country.

Tinubu said “If we look at the missing part of the past, we will stay depressed but if we look straight into the future as a great runner, we will see brightness and happiness

“Don’t misunderstand Nigeria, it is our country we have no choice. To rebuild is not easy. We created APC and I’m one of its founding fathers of APC; I’m not sorry about it, I’m very proud of it.

“What had been missing in this country is the spirit of unity and the brightness of hope for all of us. The same blood runs in our veins.

“Sorrow, problems and anguish are created by human beings. Divisions are created by those who benefit from the divide and conquer. The truth is we are Nigerians and we hold that greenback passport and we should be proud of it. Yes, it is difficult right now. This is the democracy that we choose.

“My running is not because I need a pocket of money. It is the love of country, my people, commitment to development, and giving value to education and a better future for our children.

“I, Bola Tinubu, I’m the sole runner. I know the way, I have seen it. I did it in Lagos. I turned the IGR around. The state is now a reference point. I’ll rebuild and unite, and develop Nigeria. We’ll use our diversity for prosperity rather than division.

“When they talk about my health, I tell them, I’m not looking for a wrestling job, I don’t want to beat Ronaldo. I’m a better thinker and a better doer. I want to be delegated to distinguish us and separate us like a dip of kerosene on top of the water.

Tinubu who lauded Governor Rotimi Akeredolu for his vision for the state assured that with him as President, the state will witness enormous economic prosperity.

“In Ondo State, you have bitumen. You need a federal government that will put research and development in place and make it a commercial business revenue for Ondo State.

“A seaport is a very capital intensive matter. Unfortunately, the country has no long term money, except for short-term. So we have to find investors and partners to get into it and build a deep seaport for Ondo State. All we need is a can-do attitude, a leader who thinks and acts.

“Lagos was a jungle city when I became the governor. I set up a good team that I referred to today as an unbreakable team.

“But Ondo is working, Akeredolu is working, what he needs is me. A very solid partnership that will forge the economy of this country and this state ahead of others.

“We can reproduce glass. We have so much underground that we can use for revenue generation and we will be richer for it We will set our children’s future on the part of success.

“I beg Akeredolu to join me to revive our first national anthem. And I’m ready to serve Nigeria and I promise that Nigeria will see prosperity and performance because I have done it before.”

While speaking, Governor Akeredolu said “A number of aspirants have been here. You can see the difference. You must be able to accept the fact that Asiwaju has done a lot.

“We have noticed that Asiwaju has criss-cross the length and breadth of this country. When you hear news of consensus or endorsement do not believe it.

“We have said it that Presidency must come to the South. Governors have spoken. By the grace of God, the train of this country must continue to have a smooth ride.

“The country cannot be divided. Nigeria should be paramount in the heart of all of us. As you go to vote think about Nigeria, think about investment all over the years.

“You must look at the background and capacity of the person. We wish you the best. You have our good wishes as you proceed. It is only God that will enthrone anybody

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