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Idriss Déby Itno of Chad: Hero or villain?

The continent was in shock yesterday, as Chadian Army spokesperson announced the death of President Idriss Déby Itno, following injuries he sustained during clashes with rebels in the north of the country at the weekend.

68-year-old Déby’s death meant a huge a change of fate, with the announcement of his death on a day he was due to give a victory speech, after winning a sixth term (by 79.3%) based on the latest provisional results announced on Monday. Twenty-four hours ago, an election victor, twenty-four hours later, a deceased soldier.

According to Campaign Director, Mahamat Zen Bada, Déby opted instead to visit Chadian soldiers on the front lines, in battle against rebels from the Front pour l’Alternance et la Concorde au Tchad (FACT). Reports say they had arrived from their Libyan base and were advancing on the capital, N’Djamena, as at April 11.

Tuesday’s news has provoked mixed reactions and huge concerns for neighbours of Chad (Nigeria especially), considering the wave of insecurity in the region which is still struggling to recover from the aftermath of Libyan Muammar Gaddafi’s death in 2011.

This concern is evident in reactions of foreign leaders to the Chadian leader’s death, with President Emmanuel Macron hailing Déby as a “great soldier” and “courageous friend” of France, while Defence Minister Florence Parlypraised him as an “essential ally in the fight against terrorism in the Sahel.”

Opinions also differ on what should truly be the legacy of the Chadian strong man; did he die as an hero or villain?

For some, it would forever remain uncommon to find a President fight alongside his troops like a true Commander-in-chief, rather than sit back to “enjoy the perks of office or travel abroad while his citizens died.” And so, dying in the battle front is nothing but the true hallmark of heroism.

On the flipside, does it come very easy to describe Déby, a graduate of Muammar Gaddafi’s World Revolutionary Centre as a hero even though he took power by leading a rebellion against President Hissène Habré in December 1990, eliminated term limits and never left power even after three decades until he was killed?

As at the time of writing this piece, a curfew is in force in Chad, the country has closed its borders with ineighbours, and a transitional military council led by Mahamat Déby, his 37-year-old son has seized power in a coup d’etat.

The transitional military council dissolved the government as well as the national assembly and has announced an 18-month rule before new elections will be held. Would Chad have been in this situation if Déby had exited power after two terms? There are indeed, many lessons to be discussed on a later date.

Regardless of what answers are provided, it would be difficult to take away the greatness of such a soldier who fought for his people. One who was a nightmare to terrorists in the region and one braved all odds (fear of death inclusive) to secure victory for his people.

Is the battle truly over? Africa has to wait.

*Written by Temidayo Taiwo-Sidiq

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