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Impeachment Day: Trump says Democrats crazy


Impeachment Day: Trump says Democrats crazy %Post Title
Trump: set to go into the books as the Third US President to be impeached in history






US President Donald Trump in a series of tweets Wednesday slammed the Democrats intent on impeaching him as ‘crazy’, a day after he sent a brutal letter to House of Representatives speaker Nancy Pelosi.

“They want to Impeach me (I’m not worried!), and yet they were all breaking the law in so many ways. How can they do that and yet impeach a very successful (Economy Plus) President of the United States, who has done nothing wrong? These people are Crazy!”, he wrote.

The House will vote on Wednesday on two articles of impeachment against Trump, which if approved, will send the matter to the Republican-led Senate to hold a trial on whether to remove him from office.

Trump has denied wrongdoing and accused Democrats on Tuesday in the letter to Pelosi of pursuing an “illegal, partisan attempted coup” and declaring “open war” on American democracy.

Trump gave his letter thumbs up in one of his tweets on Wednesday, but again dredged out a discredited allegation that the Obama administration spied on his campaign.

“Good marks and reviews on the letter I sent to Pelosi today. She is the worst! No wonder with people like her and Cryin’ Chuck Schumer, D.C. has been such a mess for so long – and that includes the previous administration who (and now we know for sure) SPIED on my campaign.

“So, if Comey & the top people in the FBI were dirty cops and cheated on the FISA Court, wouldn’t all of these phony cases have to be overturned or dismissed? They went after me with the Fake Dossier, paid for by Crooked Hillary & the DNC, which they illegally presented to FISA.”, he wrote.

Trump in the House faces one charge of abusing his power by asking Ukraine to investigate Biden, a leading Democratic contender to oppose him in the 2020 U.S. presidential election, and one of obstructing Congress’ investigation into the matter.

With the Democrats having a solid majority in the House, it is certain Trump will be impeached and go into the history books as the third US President to be impeached.

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