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Intrigues As Omo-Agege, Kalu Battle For Deputy Senate Presidency

Intrigues As Omo-Agege, Kalu Battle For Deputy Senate Presidency %Post Title
From every indication, it appears the race for the position of Deputy Senate Presidency is about going to be the one to be keenly contested for. This is because the contenders for that position are foremost on the good side of Presidency’s love-hate relationship with the National Assembly.

The first one, Dr Orji Uzor Kalu, former Governor of Abia state who just got reelected in the Senate after the NASS election of March 28, 2019 has managed to entrust himself into the bosom of President Muhammadu Buhari, even against the sentiments in the South East.

Before the election , he had been strutting all over the places, home and abroad drumming sympathy for the Buhari regime, proffering all manner of excuses, tenable and absurd on why the regime has been floundering on all fronts. He was on this beat for much of 2016 down unto Election Day, combining the self-imposed ambassador plenipotentiary with his private business. It mattered not much to him whether Buhari acknowledged or appreciated this or not. He also was the arrow-head of Buharimania in the South East during the 2019 electioneering period.

On the other hand, Senator Omo_ Agege has also been on Buhari’s right hand since the commencement of the last dispensation 2015. Their political alliance peaked a bit after Buhari commenced implementation of the $1million Ogoni Clean Up project, and reached tentative peace deals with Niger Delta elders and militants after the initial hostilities between government and militants due to the bombing spree with which the militants welcomed his government in 2015-16. Over time, political rapport between the Presidency and Omo-Agege peaked when the Delta-born Senator took sides with the Presidency during its fight with the former Senate President, Dr Bukola Saraki-led NASS leadership.

On February 14, 2018, the red chamber of the national assembly dissolved into a rowdy session as senators adopt the amended electoral act. INEC’s order of elections had the presidential election holding before other elections.The electoral act as amended by the senate had the presidential election coming last and the national assembly election holding first. The sequence of elections caused disharmony in the senate as it was perceived as a ploy by the Saraki led national assembly to unseat Buhari in 2019, and for this Buhari withheld assent. On March 13, 2018, Buhari refused to assent to the amended 2018 electoral act as forwarded his way by the national assembly. In withholding his assent, Buhari said the amended sequence of elections by the legislature will infringe on the constitutional role of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to organize, undertake and supervise elections as enshrined in Section 15(A) of the third statue to the Constitution.

The president also cited grounds upon which an election can be challenged by candidates and the national assembly’s possible interference in local government elections as other reasons why he prefers to keep his ink dry. The senate was then split between lawmakers who supported Buhari’s withholding of assent and those who favored amendment of electoral act. Senator Ovie Omo- Agege is in the camp of senators who back Buhari’s position—the Buhari support group in the Senate which he also styled ‘Parliamentary support group in Senate for President Muhammad Buhari’.Thus marked the intensity of his alliance with Buhari,s presidency at a time Buhari needed a strong ally to balance the “terror” from the NASS.

The senate did not like this, so Omo-Agege was called to order by his colleagues. He apologized in plenary for his actions. But it was an apology from his head, not from his heart.

Afterwards he sued the Saraki-led Senate at a moment the Senate had perfected every plot to impeach the President. Again the Senate descended the axe on him with a suspension. But Buhari’s presidency, even while the president was away fought for Agege whom they regarded as “angel” who saved Buhari from impeachment. That relationship between Buhari and Omo-Agege rolled over into the 2019 campaign projects.

Politicians believe that weighing on scale; both Orji Uzor Kalu and Omo Agege have been utility allies in the Abuja NASS/Presidency power game. However it is believed that certain extras are needed to shift the Presidents ‘active support to one of them.

The first worry, a presidency expert informed Daily Independent was that both men are strategic in the national power game. A topflight Igbo politician based in Lagos Chief Aloma Nwachukwu, an attorney and businessman told Daily Independent that “Buhari is thorn between the two because both worked for him, one while he was sick and was about to be impeached, and the other whitewashing his government externally.”

Chief Nwachukwu opines that both the South East from Orji Uzor Kalu hails from and South-South from where Omo Agege hails from stands schemed out of the total power configuration in the current dispensation should none of them get the Deputy Senate Presidency seat, and therefore called for mutual collaboration between the two zones in the spirit of give and take, rather than both missing out on the power system, losing all the three principal legs of government:-the presidency, the judiciary and the NASS leadership.

Thus in furtherance of the efforts to get Omo Agege garners as much endorsement as possible from fellow NASS members, the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Delta Central Senatorial District has appealed to other ethnic nationalities at the Senate to support the bid of Sen. Ovie Omo- Agege for Deputy Senate President.

The APC Vice-Chairman in Delta, Mr. Adelabu Bodjor, read the party’s resolutions at a press briefing/ solidarity support meeting for Omo- Agege on Sunday in Warri.Omo- Agege is vying for the deputy senate seat and will be the first Urhobo person to attain that exotic seat if he eventually emerged winner.

Bodjor said the Urhobo nation where Omo-Agege hails from had before now supported the North, East and West in their previous bids for various positions in the senate.

According to him, it will be better if other ethnic groups at the Red Chamber can reciprocate the good gesture and support Omo-Agege’s aspirations.

“We expect them to support the Urhobos in the quest for Omo-Agege to secure the Deputy Senate President seat,” he said. Bodjor alleged that a faceless group known as Urhobo Political Group was allegedly being sponsored by perceived Urhobo enemies to declare support for another Senator from the Eastern part of the country.

“It is, therefore, mischievous and preposterous for quite a handful of persons who claim to be Urhobos and for any reason known to them only to work against the interest of entire Urhobo nation and history.

”We state expressly that the Urhobos across board are solidly and overwhelmingly behind Omo- Agege for his bid for the position of the Deputy Senate President to fulfill our dreams.

Also, Halims Agoda, a former House of Representatives member representing Ethiope East Federal Constituency, urged the Urhobos to rally round and support Omo- Agege’s aspirations.

“Omo-Agege has played his part, the Arewa has endorsed him; why are we now working against him?” he queried.  (Daily Independent)
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