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Lekki shooting: Many of those injured have been treated and discharged, says Sanwo-Olu

Lekki shooting: Many of those injured have been treated and discharged, says Sanwo-Olu %Post Title

Babajide Sanwo-Olu, governor of Lagos, says many of those who sustained injuries when some men in military uniform opened fire on protesters at Lekki toll gate in Lagos, have been treated and discharged.

Exactly a week ago, #EndSARS protesters were attacked on the 13th day of their mass action.

Speaking when he hosted a delegation of lawmakers from the south-west at government house, Marina, on Tuesday, Sanwo-Olu condemned the widespread violence across the state last week.

He thanked the lawmakers for showing solidarity, saying  law-abiding residents have suffered from the violence.

The governor expressed concern that some Lagos communities are now vulnerable to crimes, following the arsonist attacks on police stations and facilities housing security operatives.

He condemned the shooting of protesters at the Lekki toll plaza, insisting that until a thorough investigation is conducted, no one would know how many lives were lost in the incident.

Sanwo-Olu said the two bodies found on the roads on Admiralty Road and Victoria Island had no link with Lekki shooting.

Ajayi Boroffice, senator representing Ondo north, who led the delegation described the destruction as an “orchestrated tragedy” that must be thoroughly investigated.

He said it was unnecessary for the protest to be prolonged to the point of being hijacked by those with violent agenda when the federal government agreeing to their demands.

Boroffice said Lagos alone can not bear the burden occasioned by the destruction, adding that the southwest senate caucus would be meeting with the leadership of the national assembly to prevail on the federal government to assist the state to recover and rebuild.

He said the caucus would also move a motion that would enable the ministry of foreign affairs to catalogue the “ugly images’ from the destruction and send to Nigerian embassies abroad for those in the diaspora to see the proportion of damage wreaked.

“Members of the southwest caucus in the senate is here to console you over the demonic violence unleashed on Lagos,” he said.

“Government and private individuals suffered incalculable loss in the unfortunate destruction that trailed the EndSARS protest. No Nigerian is against peaceful protest, but demonstration that does not have a leadership will encourage hoodlums to hijack and wreak havoc.

“Adequate decision had been taken by the government to attend to the demands of the protesters. Of course, some of the demands require constitutional amendment and cannot be done immediately.

“The senate showed its readiness to look into the issues with the necessary amendments. So, it was unnecessary for the protest to be prolonged to the point of being hijacked by those with violent agenda.”

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