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Lena Headey Reveals Which ‘Game of Thrones’ Star Cried the Most During Final Season

Diehard fans of Game of Thrones would be lying if they said there’s no way they might shed a tear during the final season. As the beloved HBO series is coming to an end, we expect many fan theories to be debunked or confirmed, storylines to come together, and of course, multiple deaths. And as far as the show’s stars go, many have already expressed how emotional filming for the final time was. But apparently, one actor was way more upset than the rest.ADVERTISEMENT

While speaking with MTV News during the Sundance Film Festival, Cersei Lannister actress Lena Headey was expectedly asked about GoT Season 8. When questioned on her emotions while reading the final script, Headey shared:

“We had a massive read-through with all of us. It was quite emotional saying goodbye to everyone. It’s been nine years. But I can’t say anything more than that. Can’t say how I felt.” But she could reveal who got the most emotional.


Who cried the most during the final #GameOfThrones read through? @IAMLenaHeadey told us as much as she can at #Sundance21610:15 PM – Jan 27, 201972 people are talking about thisTwitter Ads info and privacy

When asked who cried the most, Headey replied, “I’d say Kit [Harington] cried the most..He’s really over-emotional.”

This is not hard to believe at all, as the actor has been quite vocal on crying during filming for the final season. In November, Harington detailed the two times he got particularly emotional, with one being during the first table read alongside the entire cast, and the second being when he read the ending to the final script, which read, “End of Game of Thrones.”

Game of Thrones returns for the final season on April 14. (Floor8)

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