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Lying first nature of Donald Trump – Hillary Clinton



Lying first nature of Donald Trump - Hillary Clinton %Post Title





Former US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton said lying is the first and not the second nature of President Donald Trump.

Clinton spoke in an interview on Wednesday night on Late Late Show with James Corden.

The former first lady, was the Democrats presidential candidate in 2016 and was technically beaten by Trump to the White House.

Trump, she said, is “incapable of not lying”

“He has made his career on the basis of lies about his wealth.

“We now know definitively something that I said back in 2016, he’s not as rich as he claims, he doesn’t pay income tax, and everything else that we learned. So, lying is not just second, it’s first nature to Donald Trump.”

Clinton described the debate between Trump and Joe Biden as nerve-wracking.”

She said she knew Trump was capable of a lot of things.

“I know he will do or say anything, as we saw last night(Tuesday).

“So, I was watching but every so often I’d kind of be cringing or I’d be going ‘oh!’ A lot of dramatic moments.

” And there were a couple of times i just had to get up and walk [out] because it’s very sad to think that we’re having the most important election in maybe our history coming up and the president, one of the two candidates, can’t be bothered to answer the questions, put forward any kind of agenda for the future.

“It’s all insult and attack and braggadocio. It was sad, James. It was maddening and sad at the same time.”

She however scored Joe Biden high for standing his ground, despite the barrage of attacks and insults by Trump.

Watch the interview on YouTube:

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