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Man ‘defiles’ own three daughters in Lagos

Man ‘defiles’ own three daughters in Lagos %Post Title

An Ikeja Magistrates’ Court on Monday, ordered the remand of a 43-year-old Ademola Oladimeji in Kirikiri Correctional Centre for allegedly defiling his three daughters and assaulting their mother.

The Magistrate, A.O. Ajibade, who did not take Oladimeji’s plea, directed the police to send the case file to the state Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for advice.

She adjourned the case until March 2 for DPP’s advice.

The police arraigned Oladimeji, who resides at Fadeyi, Lagos State, on a two-count charge of defilement and assault.

The Prosecution Counsel, DSP Kehinde Ajayi, told the court that Oladimeji committed the offence sometime in 2021, in his residence at Fadeyi.

She said that the mother of the girls had reported that the accused had been defiling their daughters aged nine, seven and five by allegedly inserting his finger into their private part.

She said that when the mother of the girls got to know, she confronted her husband and was angry, leading to the accused beaten and inflicted injuries on her body.

Newsmen report that defilement attracts life imprisonment according to the provisions of Section 137 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2005.

Assault attracts a one-year jail term, according to the provisions of Section 172 of the law.

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