Man rushed to a hospital after shooting himself in the penis
A man from Lincoln Nebraska, Peter Jacobsson, has been rushed to a local hospital after he shot himself in the penis.

According to Peter, his 22 Calibre gun dropped from his pocket, fell on the ground then fired a shot straight to his penis while he was walking on the street.
The 32-year old man has been treated for the horrific injuries sustained but still remains at the hospital until further notice. Fortunately for him, the injuries sustained were not life threatening and didn’t require he had his penis amputated.
The Lincoln Police Department revealed that the shooting happened on Wednesday around 8.45pm near Bryan West Campus.
Adding salt to Peter’s injury means he got charged with numerous offenses for allowing the firearm to go off in a public place. They however believe the man was just walking when the gun fell out of his pocket.
This news is coming months after a man who was fitted with a £50,000 bionic manhood ( artificial penis ) collapsed and was hospitalised just days after having sex for the first time.
Andrew Wardle, 45, was born without a penis and surgeons created the organ using skin from his arm before attaching it during a 10-hour operation