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Newly married woman narrates how husband abuses her daily

An obviously distraught newly married woman has taken to social media to narrate how her husband constantly abuses her despite being a serial cheat and manipulator.

The woman who seems to be at a cross-road, is quite disturbed and even scared to even seek for help as her parents discouraged her from getting married to the man in the 1st place.

Newly married woman narrates how husband abuses her daily lailasnews

Read her painful story below:

I’v only been married for a year and my husband is emotionally abusive…became physical once and when i confronted him he cried to me saying he dont wanna end up like his father… The emotional abuse never stops.. He’s soo manupulative,he cheats, lies and its always my fault

I can’t bring myself to tell my parents because they warned me against marriage and i dont want them to see me as a failure…but he calls his mom everytime i mess up

He wounds me during the day and expects sex at night… When my body doesn’t respond he blames it on my past(i was sexually molested as a child) he says um sick and should seek help

i feel suffocated everytime he’s around but i dont have the courage to deal with the consequences of making a decision to leave…numb, depressed and suicidal

He says he dont feel man enough because i work and he doesnt.. So i cant confront his extravagant behavior aswell

He’s forbidden me from seeing my bff bcz she is always there for me…he says she’s a bad influence…i’m also not allowed to go to my own church and when i do i am “unruly” says in his house the only church to be attended is his.


I’v only been married for a year and my husband is emotionally abusive…became physical once and when i confronted him he cried to me saying he dont wanna end up like his father… The emotional abuse never stops.. He’s soo manupulative,he cheats, lies and its always my faultKeabetswe@akreana_O jewa ke eng ?2,0638:05 PM –

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