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Ohaneze denies ACF’s allegation of killings, harassment of northerners


Ohaneze denies ACF’s allegation of killings, harassment of northerners %Post Title





OHANÉZÈ Ndígbo Youth Council (OYC) Worldwide has debunked allegations of killings of northerners in the Southeast.

The group was reacting to a statement credited to the Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) National Publicity Secretary, Mr. Emmanuel Yawe that over 30 persons have been killed since the EndSars protests turned violent.

Yawe, according to media reports also alleged that over 50 trucks and trailers belonging to northerners were destroyed.

But in a swift reaction, the OYC described the allegation as a ruse and a ploy to complicate issues and incite violence against southerners in the North.

It said after investigation on the alleged harassment of northerners, it discovered that there was no iota of truth in the allegation.

The group, in a statement by the President-General, Okechukwu Isiguzoro and Secretary-General, Okwu Nnabuike, urged northern leaders to cross check their facts on security issues before going public.

“OYC categorically denies these allegations by ACF on the killings of northerners in the Southeast as mere rumours, falsehood and fake news. We challenge Yawe to produce evidence of the killings.”

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