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Only popular candidates ‘ll win 2023 elections — Gbenga Daniel

Only popular candidates ‘ll win 2023 elections — Gbenga Daniel %Post Title

A former governor of Ogun State, Otunba Gbenga Daniel, has called on members of All Progressives Congress (APC) to work hard to achieve success for the ruling party in the 2023 elections.

Daniel, who said this during an interactive session at a two-day leadership capacity development programme for Councillors in Ogun East Senatorial District held in Ijebu-Ode, said, with the introduction of the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS) by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), only popular candidates would henceforth win elections in the country.

The event with the theme, “Understanding Leadership and Legislative Responsibilities at the Grassroots Level,” had in attendance 103 Councillors and 24 youth leaders drawn from the nine local government areas in Ogun East Senatorial District.

The former governor asked the party faithful to unite and put post-primary bickering behind them, adding that they must not be deterred by national challenges in the bid to ensure electoral victory.

Daniel, who noted that the majority of the electorate were still undecided over whom to vote for in the coming presidential poll, said party members must target this category of voters and convince them to vote for the party at the elections.

Fielding questions from the participants, the former governor expressed confidence that the APC presidential candidate, Bola Tinubu, will improve the economy and guarantee local government autonomy, if elected in 2023.

Daniel said “Tinubu had shown his readiness to devolve more powers to the third tier of government during his time as Lagos governor”.

“I look at Asiwaju as somebody who is clear in what he wants to do as far as the economy is concerned. And a number of the decisions he has taken, when you take a deeper look, you will know he knows what he’s doing,” Daniel said. “So, when it comes to local government administration, if there is anybody who has shown determination to empower local governments, Tinubu ruggedness towers above others.”

Daniel recalled how Tinubu as Lagos State governor fought for local government autonomy and stood his ground in the face of the then Federal Government.

He also harped on Nigeria’s restructuring to enable the country to overcome most of its socio-political and economic challenges.

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