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Oyetola Signs Bill To Establish Ilesa Varsity

Oyetola Signs Bill To Establish Ilesa Varsity %Post Title

Osun State Governor Adegboyega Oyetola has signed a bill seeking to upgrade the Osun State College of Education, Ilesa, to a full-fledged university. The governor’s assent followed the passage of the Executive Bill into Law by the House of Assembly in August. The state now has Osun State University (UNIOSUN) and Ilesa University. Speaking after assenting to the bill Oyetola said the government’s decision to upgrade the College of Education to a university was “not a product of fanciful effort”, but a “thorough and rigorous interrogation, characteristic of the culture of deep engagement”.

Speaker Timothy Owoeye, while receiving copies of the University Establishment Law from the governor after his assent said: “The signing of this Bill into law is a new dawn in the entire Ijesa land in particular and the State in general. “This is a huge development for Ijesa people and Osun State. This is what we have been clamouring for, for over 40 years. As a matter of fact, the College which was established in 1979 is more than 40 years old now, and thinking to upgrade it to a fullfledged University is a welcome development. We commend and appreciate Mr. Governor for his magnanimity and generosity to the Ijesa people.”

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