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Oyo orders commercial transport operators to paint vehicles within two weeks

Oyo orders commercial transport operators to paint vehicles within two weeks %Post Title

Oyo State Government has made it mandatory for all the commercial vehicle operators in the state to paint their vehicles within two weeks.

Making the disclosure on Monday in Ibadan during a meeting with the stakeholders, the chairman of Oyo State Road Management Authority (OYRTMA), Dr. Akin Fagbemi, said, “We have observed that we have seen a lot of Micra now that are not painted in commercial colours of the state, we have seen some tricycles (Keke Napep), that are not painted in commercial colours in the state.

“It is now time for us to differentiate between the commercial bikes and the private bikes, it will be very hard for us to even differentiate between the bikes being used for kidnapping and robbery.

“I want the public to know that there is an existing law in the State, which stated that all the commercial vehicles used for operations in the State should be painted in commercial colours.”

“It’s now important and necessary to enforce the said law, considering the fact of the current security structures we have in our nation, and also we have to consider the outcry of our people.”

“It’s necessary for all the commercial vehicles, tricycles, and motorbikes in the State to carry our State colour for security reasons, we are not doing this to witch-hunt any groups or individuals but to make sure we have peace in our State.

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