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PDP crisis: Atiku remains Nigeria’s best option in 2023, says Saraki

PDP crisis: Atiku remains Nigeria’s best option in 2023, says Saraki %Post Title

Former Senate President, Bukola Saraki has broken his silence over the crisis rocking the main opposition Peoples Democratic Party.

Saraki who has kept sealed lips since losing the party’s Presidential ticket to former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, on May 28th,  on Saturday,  explained that he has been on vacation.

In a tweet on his verified twitter handle @bukolasaraki said, “I just returned from my annual vacation and went straight to Akwa Ibom to join the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the state’s creation.”

In another tweet he gave a hint about his decision not to speak about developments in the PDP.

He said, “As I moved around the country in the past few days, I got the feeling that many people are concerned over my seeming silence on recent developments in our party, the PDP.

“My response is that there are times to speak and be heard and there are times when working silently behind the scenes is more productive. This is such a time.

“PDP and Atiku Abubakar remain the best option for Nigerians in the 2023 polls!“

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