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Photos and video from former First Lady, Patience Jonathan’s 54th birthday

A former First Lady of Nigeria, Patience Jonathan yesterday, October 25th turned 54 and she held a little party. She was seen with many birthday cakes with friends and well wishers cutting her special cakes with her.

Photos and video from former First Lady, Patience Jonathan’s 54th birthday %Post Title
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A video later emerged online, showing mama at a place that looks like a club digging it. More photos and the video all right after the cut! Happy birthday mama!

Photos and video from former First Lady, Patience Jonathan’s 54th birthday %Post Title
Photos and video from former First Lady, Patience Jonathan’s 54th birthday %Post Title
Photos and video from former First Lady, Patience Jonathan’s 54th birthday %Post Title
Photos and video from former First Lady, Patience Jonathan’s 54th birthday %Post Title

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