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Polls: APC’s daylight robbery responsible for tension — PDP

Polls: APC’s daylight robbery responsible for tension — PDP %Post Title

The Peoples Democratic Party Presidential Campaign Council has said the All Progressives Congress has no one else to blame other than itself for the growing political tension in Nigeria following its alleged electoral heist last Saturday.

The spokesperson of the PDP PCC, Kola Ologbondiyan said this in an interview with Vanguard in Abuja, on Thursday.

He said this in response to claims by the APC that PDP’s desperation for power was heating up the polity.

Ologbondiyan said, “We’ve had elections in
this country but never in our history has
there been any that the vote of Nigerians was so brazenly taken away in what is clearly a case of daylight robbery like the 2023 elections.

“The APC like most Nigerians of good conscience know that what the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC declared is a far cry from what Nigerians spent the greater part of Saturday and Sunday under the sun and the rain voting for.

“Election is not just about the results the process is much more important because we are also setting precedence and sending a message to the younger generation.

“If this travesty of justice is allowed to stand, Nigeria will remain a Laughing stock in the comity of nations, God forbid.”

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