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Popular Czech singer Hana Zagorová dies at 75

One of Czech Republic’s most popular singers, Hana Zagorová, has died at the age of 75, her record label Supraphon announced in Prague on Friday.

In the course of her career, she sang almost 900 songs, sold more than 10 million records, and won a string of awards.

She also appeared on television in former socialist East Germany and sang songs in German.

Zagorová was one of the artists who signed the so-called Anticharter in 1977.

This was a reaction to Charter 77, a pro-reform civil rights movement in what was then communist Czechoslovakia centred around the playwright Václav Havel.

In 1989, the year of the fall of communism, Zaragová put her signature behind a democracy petition, “A Few Words.’’

Zagorová was born on Sept. 6, 1946, in what is now a district of Ostrava.

She is survived by her husband, the Slovak opera singer Stefan Margita, with whom she released a joint album two years ago.

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