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‘PZ Plc not exiting Nigeria’

‘PZ Plc not exiting Nigeria’ %Post Title

PZ Nigeria Plc has debunked speculations that it is planning to exit Nigeria.

A senior official of the company told The Nationyesterday that the shareholders of the company have resolved to stay-put in the country to consolidate their over 124 years business cycle in Nigeria.

The official, who asked that his identity be veiled as he was not authorised to speak on the matter, said the Board of Directors of PZ resolved in their last Annual General Meeting  at the Transcorp Hotel, Abuja that they were not exiting Nigeria.

The Senior Official said unlike the other companies that were leaving, Nigeria is an important market to them”, saying, “we are not going anywhere.”

He disclosed that the pharmaceutical company has been in Nigeria for the past 124 years adding, that “although everybody has difficulty, you have to think of what you have benefitted from the country for that length of time.”

He admitted that the board has however decided buy-off the minority shareholders, adding that discussions are on to agree on price.

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