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Residents, motorists stranded as fuel queues return to Abuja

Residents, motorists stranded as fuel queues return to Abuja %Post Title

Long queues returned to filling stations across Abuja on Tuesday, signaling fuel scarcity.

From Garki to Wuse, Apo and Central Area, residents and motorists were seen stranded at filling stations as queues extended to some lanes on the roads.

When TheCable visited some of the stations, it was discovered that some had petrol but chose not to sell for undisclosed reasons.

An attendant at the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) filling station in Gudu, Garki, was seen selling to few selected persons while motorists and motorcyclists watched helplessly.

Some of the filling stations were closed for business, despite opening earlier in the day.

A taxi driver told TheCable he had to wait for about seven hours before he could fuel his car.

“I went to Wuse 2 since around 9am and look at the time I left there, this is almost 5pm,” he said, sounding frustrated.

“I did not work today but I am happy I filed up my tank.”

The lingering queues come a day after the NNPC allayed fears of fuel scarcity. 

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