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Rohypnol drug: Judge orders Usman caned, then commits him to jail

Rohypnol drug: Judge orders Usman caned, then commits him to jail - Photo/Image

A 27-year-old Abdulkadir Usman, was on Friday in Kano given 12 strokes of the cane for being in possession of two sachets of Rohypnol tablets, a banned sedative drug, used by rapists.

Magistrate Farouk Ibrahim-Umar, also sentenced Usman to two months imprisonment without the option of a fine.

Usman had earlier pleaded guilty to possession of hard drugs.

Prosecution Counsel, Mr Elias Ekainu, told the court that the convict committed the offence on March 16, at the Kwari Market Kano.

Ekainu said that the convict was arrested by a team of policemen attached to the Fagge Police Division Kano while on patrol in the market.

He said the offence contravened the provisions of Section 402 of the Penal Code.

What is Rohypnol?

According to a U.S. website, Rohypnol is the brand name for Flunitrazepam, a Benzodiazepine which functions as a central nervous system depressant.

The effects of Rohypnol are similar to the effects of Valium, but Rohypnol is about ten times more powerful. Like most Benzodiazepines, Rohypnol slows down the central nervous system by amplifying the effects of GABA, a neurotransmitter which inhibits the activity of the brain’s neurons. When a person takes a Rohypnol pill, they will experience sedation and relaxation. At higher doses, Rohypnol will cause a person to lose consciousness and experience amnesia. In areas of the world where Rohypnol is legal, doctors prescribe it to their patients to treat insomnia and anxiety disorders.

The sedative effects of Rohypnol typically arise within 30 minutes after ingestion, with peak effects occurring after about 2 hours. As little as 1 mg of Rohypnol can impair an individual for 8 to 12 hours. Although the drug is a depressant, Rohypnol may induce aggression and excitability.

In the United States, Rohypnol is a Schedule IV controlled substance. The drug bears this designation because it poses moderate risks for abuse, addiction, and overdose. The United States government has never approved Rohypnol as a legitimate medication. In fact, Rohypnol is a well-known date rape drug. For this reason, under the Drug Induced Rape Prevention Act, the crime of trafficking Rohypnol into the United States carries the same penalties as trafficking Schedule I, II, and III controlled substances. Nevertheless, drug smugglers continue to bring the drug into the United States from Europe and Latin America, where it remains legal.

Aside from its role in sexual crimes, people use Rohypnol as a recreational drug to get high, enhance the potency of Marijuana and Hallucinogens, and counteract the effects of Cocaine, Methamphetamine, and other illegal Stimulants. Rohypnol users who want to experience the drug’s effects more quickly sometimes crush Rohypnol into powder and snort it or dissolve it in water to inject it. 

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