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Sacked LAHASCOM Boss, Mogaji seeks redress in Court

Sacked LAHASCOM Boss, Mogaji seeks redress in Court %Post Title

Following the termination of his service in the Lagos State House of Assembly, chairman of the Lagos State House of Assembly Services Commission, LAHASCOM, Olawale Mogaji, has vowed to seek redress in court, calling the action that led to his sack as total disregard to due process.

It will be recalled that Mogaji’s sack was approved after a voice vote by members of the House at plenary on Thursday, July 14.

In a statement signed, Mogaji said: “I heard through the news that the Speaker of the Lagos State House of Assembly terminated my appointment as Chairman of the Lagos State House of Assembly Services Commission at the plenary July 14 2022.

“It is very sad that our democracy has been basterdised with the conduct of those who are suppose to uphold the rule of law and sanctity of justice.

“The speaker without recourse to the service rules has been operating the Commission like a unit of the Assembly,” he alleged.

Mogaji alleged the speaker of appointing officers on GL- 15 as Clerk and Secretary of the House instead of being a full director on GL-17, as stipulated by law.

“This is just a few of the unilateral actions taken by the speaker, he obstructs the activities of the Commission and any attempt to advise on the need for due process is seen as an affront.

“However, l will remain steadfast and allow the law to take its course by going to court to seek redress and protect my integrity,” he stated.

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